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How to Make Litter-Free School Lunches

lunchbox ideas

We all know what a rush the school-mornings are. Because of this, convenience often becomes paramount when packing school lunches and parents often resort to buying pre-packaged and processed foods in an attempt to save time.

This means that every day packaging is thrown out and if you were to multiply that amount by the number of school-age children in South Africa, the amount of waste becomes rather frightening.

How can you make a litter-free lunch for your children and why is this a wise option for your pocket and the planet?

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Super Easy Ways to Make Natural Yoghurt at Home

Plain yoghurt is such a great kitchen staple it can be used in so many ways:

  • Mix crushed garlic with yoghurt and a bit of salt to make a delicious hamburger or steak sauce. You can also add some of your favourite dried herbs
  • Mix with muesli for breakfast
  • Mix in curry sauces to make it creamier
  • Use it as a base for Smoothies
  • Eat it as a healthy snack just like that, or with your favourite ingredients

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War On Waste: Tips for the Home Kitchen

garbage war on waste

Pollution and waste is a growing problem in South Africa, as it is in many other countries. South Africa has the added problems of illegal dumping sites, inadequate recycling facilities and over-zealous packaging of shop-bought items.

The question is, what can we do to eliminate some of this waste and give a good example to our children? Most mothers do not have the time to spend visiting farmers’ markets and are forced to buy the majority of their food pre-made, as they are juggling work and the responsibilities of growing families.

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Boring is OK

I had a conversation with Daddy Bear over the weekend, when I mentioned that we didn’t actually have to entertain Baby Bear at all times. That it is actually good for her to be bored. And this was somewhat surprising to Daddy Bear, which made me think that maybe it would be surprising to some others out there.

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Judgy McJudgerson


I was recently judged for being … wait for it … too judgy. I was beyond upset and angry because what I said I had not meant to be taken as a judgement. Once I got past the intial pure anger, I sat to try and analyze exactly why I was so upset. And I realised that it’s because I do my best generally to not judge – as a mom there are so many choices to make that it is impossible to not be judged by someone, somewhere. However, I made the conscious choice to not judge other moms – this momming business is hard enough as it is without having to worry about what other people are thinking. In my household there are two people who have a say in how our child is brought up – and that is the two people who are her actual parents.

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