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Gluten Free Snacks for Lunchboxes and at Home

Gluten free snacks

One of the hardest allergies to cater for is a gluten allergy. What gluten free snacks can you add to those lunchboxes? I’m sure you and our children can take only so much in the way of rice cakes and crackers. Also, rice cakes tend to go stale very quickly in a lunchbox – especially if you put anything on them. But never fear, I have some ideas for you!

Gallette Noir
Galette Noirs are very popular in France, and are delicious!

If you are dealing with a gluten allergy, you probably already know that lunchbox meals and snacks involve a little bit of out-the-box thinking. I’m very curious to know what you would include in a gluten-free lunchbox, but herewith some of my ideas:

Ideas for Gluten Free Snacks

  • Fresh fruit
  • Dried fruit
  • Nuts and/or peanuts
  • Vegetable sticks and hummus
  • Cheese
  • Cold meat (eg: chicken pieces)
  • Vegetable crisps
  • Nuts
  • Smoothies
  • Yoghurt
  • Biltong
  • Boiled eggs
  • Popcorn
  • French buckwheat pancakes (Gallette Noir; buckwheat is part of the rhubarb family despite its name), with your favourite toppings. (PS: Should I post the recipe?).
  • Rice crackers
  • Rice cakes or corn thins (not too bad with peanut butter)

Of course, when it comes to making your own snacks, the ideas are almost limitless with a bit of imagination and trial and error.

If you have recently been diagnosed with a medical issue that requires you to follow a gluten free diet, here is my advice:

Don’t focus on what you can no longer eat. Instead, focus on all the delicious and healthy foods that are still open for you to enjoy.

Coming soon: an awesome recipe for Gluten Free Chocolate and Black Bean Brownies with hidden vegetables (ie, the beans).

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